JTRR Aukeman Triathlon Acknowledgements

2016 Events Aukeman Triathlon Thank you! Full Screen
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Aukeman Triathlon AukelakeThis event starts in the waters of Auke Lake, an incredibly scenic spot surrounded by mountains. The swim course is a single well-marked loop. Participants emerge from the lake, run up to transition at the University of Alaska Southeast Campus, and are then off to the Mendenhall Glacier. The bike course is moderately flat, and out-and-back, with a climb back up to the transition area. The run takes participants back by the lake for a trail run in the rainforest. There is one aid station in the middle of the course, then runners return on the same course before running back up to the University of Alaska Southeast campus and crossing the finish line. 750 Meter Swim -19 Kilometer bike - 5 kilometer run. see http://aukeman.weebly.com/race-information.htmlLiz Johnston2016-08-06 07:30:00yesnoyesRegistration form for Aukeman Triathlon

JTRR and the participants and organizers of Aukeman Triathlon would like to acknowledge and thank the following sponsors and volunteers for this event.

Thank you message
Myron Davisvolunteer
Charlene Steinmanvolunteer
Danielle Steinmanvolunteer
Ann Steinmanvolunteer
Shawn Millervolunteer
Cathy Tidevolunteer
Annie Hagenvolunteer
Emily Heatonvolunteer
Claire Normanvolunteer
Becky Sue Rothvolunteer
John Staubvolunteer
Ann-Marie Martinvolunteer
Cate Buleyvolunteer
Jack Kreinhedervolunteer
Josiah Ravenvolunteer
Lisa Jonesvolunteer
Scott Griffithvolunteer
Kris Sellvolunteer
Scott Mayvolunteer
Cycle Alaskavolunteer
Taku Fisheriesvolunteer
Pavitts Health and Fitnessvolunteer
Nugget Alaskan Outfittersvolunteer
Juneau Bone and Jointvolunteer
JRC Alaska Clubvolunteer
Southeast Road Runnersvolunteer
High Cadence Triathlon Trainingvolunteer
Orca Multisportvolunteer
Juneau Freewheelersvolunteer
CBJ Parks and Rec Poolsvolunteer
Liz JohnstonRace Director